




i. 亞洲創意教育協會將使用申請表上的個人資料作下列用途︰

(a) 辦理《卓越創意行動學習》約章報名之用;
(b) 製備統計數字,進行研究或教學;及
(c) 利便組織有關推動創意行動學習及社區聯絡的活動。

ii. 申請表上的個人資料均由申請人自願提供。如申請人提供的資料不足,可能會影響申請程序,甚至申請不獲接納。

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機構資料 | Organization Information

If the organization does not have a Chinese name, please fill in "nil"
If the organization does not have an English name, please fill in "nil"

聯絡人資料 | Contact Person

約章資格 | Charter Eligibility

If any of the participating organisation/ group meet 1 of the below 8 items and are able to provide their students' works, course materials, classroom photos, videos and any other materials, the organisation/ group will be eligible to apply for the Charter for ECAL.

請勾選符合的約章資格(最少選擇一項)Please select your eligibility (at least one selection):

資格一 | Eligibility 1
資格二 | Eligibility 2
資格三 | Eligibility 3
資格四 | Eligibility 4
資格五 | Eligibility 5
資格六 | Eligibility 6
資格七 | Eligibility 7
資格八 | Eligibility 8
如您的機構/組織就有關「創意行動學習」分享更多信息,歡迎提交補充資料的下載連結或把資料電郵至[email protected]
If your agency/organization have more information on "Creative Action Learning" to share, please submit a download link for the supplementary information or email the information to [email protected],

宣言 | Declaration

我謹代表本機構作出以下承諾 On behalf of the organization, I:

如對《卓越創意行動學習約章》有其他查詢,可致電 6706 7168 / 2570 6828 或電郵至 [email protected] 與譚小姐或郭小姐聯絡。