Outstanding Creative Education Leader Award 2025
- Zoom Briefing Session -
November 27, 2024 (Wednesday) 5pm
The purpose of the “Outstanding Creative Education Leader Award” is to honor principals and educators who are committed to promoting STEAM-style creative education.
*Schools that receiving the “Outstanding STEAM School Progress Award” and “Outstanding Creative Campus Design Award” can have their principal or supervisor recommended for the “Outstanding Creative Education Leader Award.”
- 創新性:評估候選人的創新思維和能力。是否提出了獨特、原創且有影響力 的理念或解決方案,並推動了相關領域的發展。
- 問題解決能力:考察候選人在解決複雜問題和挑戰時的能力。他們是否能夠 分析問題、制定有效的解決方案並實施執行。
- 教育影響力:評估候選人對STEAM教育的影響力。是否在教育領域中有卓 越的成就,如開發創新的教學方法、設計豐富的學習體驗、培養學生的創造 力和問題解決能力等。
- 社會影響力:考慮候選人對社會的影響。工作是否對社會帶來了積極的變化 ,如促進可持續發展、解決社會問題、推動科學和技術進步等。
- 專業能力:評估候選人在所從事領域內的專業能力。這包括他們的學術背景 、專業經驗、技能和成就。
- 領導能力:考察候選人的領導才能和影響力。是否能夠激勵和引導團隊成員 ,推動STEAM項目的成功實施,以及鼓勵老師/員工參與專業培訓和發展。
- 持續發展:評估候選人的持續學習和專業發展能力。是否在不斷追求新知識 、學習新技能和跟踪行業發展趨勢。
- 推廣和分享:考慮候選人在分享STEAM知識和經驗方面的努力。是否致力 於推廣STEAM教育和創新思維,如通過講座、培訓、出版物和社交媒體等 方式。
Kindergarten/primary school teachers and educators in Hong Kong and Macau
Information to be prepared
- 貴校的資料與相關證明。
- 個人最近3個月半身照片(JPG 檔案,檔案小於 10MB)乙張及150字以上的獲獎感言。(獲獎感言需用PDF或Word檔 ,總大小不得超過10MB )。
Judging Panel
- Li Huiyan Principal (Truth Baptist Grace Kindergarten)
- Leung Sau-ying Principal (Fu Hang Baptist Lui Kwok Pik Fung Kindergarten)
- Mr. Tsang Ka-shek (Minister of Early Childhood Education, Hong Kong Baptist Convention Hong Kong Baptist Convention Primary and Secondary Schools and the Ministry of Continuing Education, Primary School and Kindergarten Supervisors)
- Dr. Yang Zhuoyu (MagiCube Smart Technology Co., Ltd.)
(Sorted by English surname)
Registration Date
October 1, 2024 -
January 31, 2025
Free Registration
Deadline for Uploading Videos & Files
May 31, 2025
Award Location &
Ceremony Date
Macao Science Center,
Convention Hall
November 15, 2025
Date of
November 15, 2025
For enquiries, please contact the Secretariat via email [email protected] or whatsapp (852) 6706 7168.
Honorary Sponsors:

Supporting Org. / Sponsors:

- All submissions must be original and must not plagiarize or violate the rights of others, including copyright (refer to the Copyright Ordinance (Chapter 528 of the Laws of Hong Kong)).
- Once submitted, the entries will not be altered (unless there are specification issues with the work, in which case the organizer will notify you separately), and the entrant consents to grant the organizer the right to modify, utilize, reproduce, publicly display, or publish the entries online or in other media for promotional and educational purposes without prior consent or payment of copyright fees to the entrant.
- Participants must consent to the organizer publishing their names and authorize the organizer to collect, process, and utilize their personal information for the purposes of contact, promotion, and educational demonstration related to this event.
- The organizer retains the ultimate authority to make the final decision regarding this competition and reserves the right to amend the rules, prizes, and other pertinent arrangements without prior notice.
- The competition results will be determined by the judges, and the contestants shall not raise any objections.
- In the case of any dispute, the organizer retains the authority to make the final determination regarding all judging and prize arrangements.
- Asian Institute of Creative Education will publicly announce the list of winners, work details, award speeches, and additional information through official media to extend congratulations.
- All video and filming copyrights of the award ceremony are held by the organizer and co-organizers, who retain the right to utilize them for promotional, educational, and publicity purposes.
- The winning videos will have the chance to be showcased during the awards ceremony and in media outlets for academic exchanges, as well as for promotional and publicity purposes.
- The winner must submit a half-length photograph (JPG file, under 10MB) taken within the last three months, along with an acceptance speech of no fewer than 150 words. (The acceptance speech should be in PDF or Word format, and the total file size must not exceed 10MB.)
- Previous year’s winners are ineligible to participate in this year’s competition.
- If the contestants did not secure the prize in the previous session, they are eligible to participate in this session; however, the submissions must differ from those presented in the prior session.
- Winners will be invited to showcase their award-winning works at the Science Museum. Please be mindful of the dimensions of the works to facilitate your own arrangements for transportation to the venue and collection.
- The maximum number of participants for each group award category is four.